When it rains it pours…..

I walked into see my computer guy this morning at 8:00 telling him I was a sh** magnet.  He quickly moved away from me.  I don’t blame him.  My computer died for the second time in three weeks and that along with my camera gave me bad luck in threes.   Thanks to a very savvy Matt and for Bill standing behind me always, I am finally back up and running with a far less of an issue than we thought.    It still pushed me back workwise but it could have been worse!!!

I saw my surgeon last week right before our trip.  I had great news and a huge hug from him!    Although I’d love to have monthly mammograms now :  )  , he said I didn’t need one for another year!     I adore him and sadly he is retiring.   He assured me his replacement was fabulous and good looking.    For some reason I guess I prefer older, rounder and not quite so good looking.  Oh well.

 Thank you to everyone for all your love, gifts, notes, cards, etc.  It was amazing!   To those of you who have scheduled mammograms because of me, you have no idea how much that pleases and honors me.  Wow!  

A little fall color from the weekend because I’m happy and done with my bad electronic luck!!


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