Spencer & Carter

I always love to reconnect with a friend.  Spencer and Carter’s mommy and I both worked in the same department at Maytag and both have the same very cool first name : ) 

Spencer is a spit fire – a very good thing in my opinion! and Carter is a fighter!  Carter was born with spina bifida.  Thankfully, the spot of his opening was very low so long term his future is very bright!   I saw him today and he was sitting in his car seat rather than laying which was a huge step for sweet Carter.     I was reading in Wikipedia and there is a section of famous people with spina bifida.  The Jack and Diane diddy guy, John Mellencamp.  I never knew!

One side issue was that Carter was born with club feet.  He is casted every week at the Univeristy of Iowa using  the internationally know Ponseti method.   Dr. Ponseti is 94  year old doctor and still working at the U of Iowa.  He was there when my mom was a physical therapy student and she was amazed with him then.    Carter is one of 150 children going through this right now at the U and was selected for a symposium last week.   I am just amazed.

Anyway….  Carter got new casts the day he came to see me.  These aren’t fiberglass kind, they were plaster.  The plaster was still wet.  It was just one of the most meaningful sessions I’ve ever had. 

Here is Spencer with amazing eyes and Carter.  I love how the light hits the casts and that  sweet little dimple in his elbow.


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A prayer for continued healing for Carter!

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