I knew it was coming but….. Daddy will be leaving for duty for the second time. He was overseas when baby #2 was born but did get to come home for the birth and pictures : ) . He now leaves again and having three at home is certainly different.
Please pray for my dear friend as she faces a winter of plowing, driving to her job, parenting her precious kids and always always keeping her head and spirits up. She will do it with a smile on her face and in her voice. She is amazing and I love her! Please pray for Daddy for a successful tour and his safe return. You are all very precious to me.
Oh and this Daddy loves to share his old MREs with my Cole. Coley absolutely loves them and has an amazing time preparing them.
For the Newton people, this family is the same one that is in the main hallway at the Skiff hospital Hospice wing. Same dog tags, same muscles ; ) (did I say that?) . I remember was I clicked the shutter looking down at that tag and seeing ‘Lutheran’. I know what the tags are for and it just took my breath away at that moment. Thank you L family for all your service, each of you.
We were careful that the helmut would not get ‘wet’. We were sure that the desert heat and baby ‘wet’ would not be good.
Godspeed C. Come home soon!
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