It is a bit like baby air traffic controller right now! We have many many babies – 2 more sets of twins too – all waiting to land. Many have, but we will be busy doing babies for sure into December! Cold start to 2011? Hmmmm, maybe ; )
Candence is going to be a big sister and I can hardly wait, I think she is pretty excited too! We were in the cow pasture where momma Katie grew up for their maternity/family pictures. I was in cow heaven! The cows were interested in us but didn’t get too close, thankfully.
I loved this session, so much that I want to redo art work or start from scratch on it in my ‘down time’. I just had a great time editing and I wonder how I might view them in a few months. A dream for sure.
I am a big fan of cropping right above the mouth. Seriously, I have no idea where that oddity comes from but it is just something that my eye enjoys.
This picture is posted 3 times I think. Seriously, the crop isn’t ‘normal’ nor is the color. I guess I can just see it many ways.
Thank you so much Katie for all the amazing sessions and all your awesome clothes styling, you are alwyas right on!!! Come on baby!
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