I am the luckiest….

Right out of college I worked for a then Big 8 accouting firm.  You know, the kind where the guy walks out on the Grammy or Emmy awards wearing a suit and says he counted the votes.    They do much more than that.  For me, it was where I fell in love with computers and teaching others how to use them.

One ‘job’ I was hired out to do was to help automate the accounting for an architecture firm.   Most of my work was done in the office of the office manager Kay.  I would sit right with her for days and days.    I loved her.  I loved the way she talked, loved the way she loved her family and told me all about them and I loved how she reminded me of my own grandmother who had just died.   At a time when my heart was so broken, there was Kay who made me remember some of the reasons why I loved her so much.

23 years, 3 jobs, 1 husband, 2 kids later, I get a message from a woman in Des Moines wanting to schedule her daughter’s senior pictures.   Her last name was the same as Kay’s.  I asked immediately if she was Kay’s daughter-in-law.  She was.  We had such a wonderful talk.  Kay had just died within the last year and had lived with her family.   I was so disappointed that I missed seeing her and talking with her by a short time.   Through this whole year of working and talking with Kay’s family, I often think how happy she would be knowing that I got to be a part of such a wonderful time for Sydney. 

The relationships and friendships that I have made because of this passion I have for photography have made my life so very very rich.  I think I’m the luckiest girl in the world.    I was just trying on clothes at White House Black Market.  I looked out the dressing room for my ‘girl’ and I heard my name.  It was Sydney and her mom.  My heart just swelled knowing that everywhere I turn I see someone who I have seen through my lens and who now feels like a friend.   And….they helped me pick out my clothes  ; )

Here is the beautiful Sydney……


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Patti How great of a story ,just goes to show he works in ways we’ll never know.Beautiful girl

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