I simply remember my favorite things….

and then I don’t feel so bad.  :  )     A few years ago at a spouses’ meeting, we introduced ourselves by presenting a favorite thing and then gifting it to the next person in line.  It was so much fun, we learned about each other and learned about some cool products or things.

I’ve loved having you respond to my post about happiness so I’m going to ask you to play some more!   Here are a couple of my favorite things, what are yours?

1 – Steel cut oats – I know, really, a favorite? Yes.  Way better than quick,  way way better than old fashioned.  My dad has been eating these for years – he has like no cholesteral –  and I finally tried them. Yum.  I make them in the crock pot – oats, water, vanilla and flax.   I make extra and just warm them up in the microwave.   A little brown sugar and I’m over the top happy!    Any grocery store has them in small batches or can order in bulk.  More fun is getting them at the Amish grocery story in 50 lb bags and sharing with friends. 


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2 – I love when I get a blog comment.  I don’t need the love but when you love on my clients, very happy.


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3.  Hope, love and healing.    I bought this as a birthday gift for someone I love and got one for myself too.  I love knowing we both have one : )  It is really a Haiti fundraiser but I think it is hope for all things. 



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4. The sound of my camera’s shutter.   I am on my 8th camera that I’ve bought for my business (don’t tell Bret…ok he knows but not the total number).  My brand new baby has the best sound, omg it makes me so happy to hear it.  

Those are my four for today.  I’d love to hear about yours.  Really I do need more things to love!

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Erica Some of my favorite things….coming home and seeing how excited my dog Mocha is to see me, even if I’ve been gone just a few hours…seeing a child smile and their eyes light up as Sean and I entertain at county fairs, birthday parties, etc. and knowing that we made their day…getting to hang out with the love of my life every night…and of course there is ALWAYS the “everyday” stuff like sunshine, flowers, chocolate, coffee, and the occasional glass of wine! 🙂

Lynn Thank you for asking! My list is too long, but “these are a few of my favorite things”………

looking at life through the eyes of my best friend, the curl of my dog’s tail, hot fudge sundaes, sitting on our deck watching and listening to a gentle rain fall, the prickle of my husband’s mustache, puppy kisses and soft puppy fur, a good book, being in the “inner circle,” Starbucks Chai Frappachino’s, sharing a secret or two with just a few very special people 😉

beth ann a lot – i feel really fortunate right now. at this moment the sound of my children’s giggles as they ‘wrestle’ with their daddy. lazy summer days in the blow up in pool in the backyard and melting popsicles dripping down faces & bellies. my son’s bum in his new ‘big guy’ underwear.

chrissy the smell of babies after a bath…a sunshine day or cuddle time on a stormy day with my boys and Charlie….driving fast with the tunes loud…and sitting close with my man knowing he is here for some time to stay…and my mt dew 🙂

patti Gotta love flowers blooming in spring after a long winter, babies with Johnson & Johnson baby bath, pedicures after working in the yard all spring in sandals, fresh brownies with frosting and seeing my daughter happy!!!

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