I’ve know Kamryn’s momma nearly all of my life, growing up there were only two houses in between ours. I ran into Momma downtown one day and she said she wanted to do pictures. She did and we are doing them again, that just makes me smile to reconnect like that.
Last time we did snow, this time dance. I knew she didn’t want tradiational so we headed of for a few locations, the one I’ll blog and show is in the studio. Michelle’s Dance Acedemy from Grinnell recently brought her dancing excellence to Newton. I sadly haven’t made it to a recital yet but over the years but I hear stories ; ) The high school seniors that come form Grinnell who love Michelle and their entire dance family are too many to count. I do believe Suzanne and Kameryn are right there too!
I’m a sucker for a pair of ballet shoes, even more so for clogging. I told Kameryn that I wanted to get close, I wanted to see those clogs do their thing. I attached my wide angle lens and got down on the floor. I had Kameryn dance and dance and dance. The more Kameryn danced, the more I giggled. You see with that lens, even though I was a safe distance from getting my nose kicked, it felt like she was right next to me. I was having so much fun and a little freaked by her feet seeming so close, I just couldn’t quit laughing. My nose is still in good condition, yippeee! Thank you Kameryn for a fun playdate.
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